Increasing carbon emissions and a reduction in the ability of the natural environment to absorb carbon dioxide is leading to an accumulation of greenhouse gases in the upper atmosphere. These gases trap more heat in the upper atmosphere leading to global warming and temperatures which are predicted to increase by 2 – 6°C by the end of the century (IPCC, 2007) South Africa produces the highest CO2 emissions in Africa and has one of the highest CO2 emissions per GDP in the world. (Van Mierlo, 2007)
South Africa has enjoyed some of the lowest energy costs in the world and energy efficient buildings have been seen as a luxury rather than a necessity. New legislation to improve the total building energy efficiency footprint has been introduced in South Africa making a holistic look at our building processes essential. Wispeco has taken the environmental requirement to heart and has introduced the first South African thermally Broken Window called Edge. Furthermore Wispeco created the Crealco product brand under which all its SANS (South African National Standards) complaint aluminium and door products are branded.